The Hard Truth and Altrubanc
I just finished an audiobook called The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. The book was not what I thought it would be. I was pleasantly surprised to find the gist as I read it is to find importance and purpose in life, and not give a fuck what people think. As a startup guy I fully understand the concept and agree whole heartily. If you think you are going to inspire those you pitch by trying to appease every opinion and perspective you will get nowhere. You need to pitch and not give a fuck what people think, if and only if you are confident you have a good or great idea. This is not a problem for me because I fortunately do have a great idea. Keep in mind that there will be those that think you are an arrogant asshole with this life philosophy but all you can do is decide to give a fuck or not. The following is an example of this philosophy in a conversation I had with a guy who read my last article regarding our startup and “free college” called “Altrubanc, Student Debt and Free College.”
Jonah: I read your article.
Me: And?
Jonah: I liked it I’m just not sure I agree.
Me: What don’t you agree with?
Jonah: Well, am I right in understanding that students enrolled on Altrubanc must stay in school and graduate to receive financial assistance to reduce their student loan debt?
Me: Correct.
Jonah: And if they drop out they forefiet all donations they have received up to that point?
Me: Correct.
Jonah: And all those forfeited donations will go to the nonprofit foundation to support all the students still in school registered on
Me: Correct.
Jonah: Well…
Me: Well what?
Jonah: Well, it just doesn’t seem fair.
Me: To who?
Jonah: Well, the student that dropped out.
Me: Oh, yea, I don’t give a fuck.
Jonah: Damn dude, that is a bit harsh.
Me: Actually no because I am not alone in not giving a fuck.
Jonah: What do you mean?
Me: Do you think our donors will use to give money away? Of course not. They will use our platform because they want to help students reduce their student loan debt and motivate them to graduate. If a student doesn’t graduate our donors will not give a fuck just like me. They want their contributions to produce positive results and that is students graduating with less debt adding to our economy. This is their value proposition and that is what altrubanc will provide. You see, although the student can benefit from altrubanc the donors will always be our first concern. To quote a line from the movie The Right Stuff, “No bucks no Buck Rogers.”
Furthermore, do you think the other students registered on altrubanc will feel pity for a student who drops out and takes financial donations with them that they could benefit from? After all they are still in school? Of course these students will not give a fuck about that student, their only concern will be is how much of those recycled donations can help them. And if they graduate they have earned it. They deserve it and we will gladly pay their debtors. The graduating students are happy, the donors feel they have made a difference and I am happy because I’m justified in not giving a fuck what people who did nothing to make this happen thought. I only care about those that give a shit. I only care about those that know the student loan debt problem is hurting the economy, and they give a shit. I only care about those that want to see solutions not more rhetoric.
Jonah: When you put it that way I guess I wouldn’t give a fuck about that dropout either.
Me: You’re welcome.
If you give a shit about the student loan debt crisis and are looking for solutions visit
If you don’t this is for you
Jason A Summers
Co-Founder and CEO LLC