Member-only story
Post COVID-19 America
Where to begin? Let me just state this first. Never in my 53 years of life as an American would I ever have imagined my country in the state it is now. We find ourselves fighting a virus we are ill equipped to fight, too unintelligent to understand and too arrogant to admit we are losing. All of our citizens are desperately seeking help from the government even though half of them believe government serves no purpose. We have baby boomer celebrities putting out public service messages from their hot tubs berating the public for not “chillin” at home like they should do, even though some of those citizens watching are trying to feed their kids and hoping the lights stay on. We have government representatives using philosophies from the past making decisions regarding our future using their self-centered, short sighted and corrupt ideals. They will not be around when the bill comes due for the trillion dollars plus they are planning to spend.
COVID-19 is not a virus or a pandemic, it is a mirror reflecting everything that has failed in American thinking. Cutting resources for personal economic gain, fail. Placing citizens in economic peril for the sake of the rich, fail. Ignoring science and undermining intelligence, fail. Outsourcing jobs for profit, fail. And soon to be, socializing the cost of all of these failures, fail.