I remember being in junior high and a bully was constantly picking on and tormenting this one quite kid. A friend and I approached the kid and told him to punch the kid in the mouth after cafeteria break while standing next to us. David my friend said "you are going to get hit back and it is going to hurt but if you don't do it it will never end." The kid was scared and Mike and I assured him we would not let it go further. Sure enough the bully started the torment right after cafeteria and the kid looked at Mike and Mike yelled "Do It!'. Bam the bully went back on his ass shocked, looked around at the kid and everyone else laughing and tackled the kid to the ground. He got two shots in to the gut but them Mike and I pulled him off. Then he made the mistake of swinging at us. It took everything I had to pull Mike and the kid off the bully. Point being bullies only exist if the group allows it and tolerates it. Intolerance can actually be a good thing.