Fantastic story, honest and unrepentant in truth. I know it sucks. I am one of those Gen Xrs who have been around since the beginning of the decline. My parents generation used to call us slackers. I even believed in America enough to put 12 years into a startup that would have reduced student debt, strengthened our economy, and left a pathway for the future of higher education. I even used to say to myself, "A generation grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they shall never know." What I learned is that the only way those trees would ever be planted would be if they produced a ROI of 20x in the shade rental sector. However, as the old guard now, there is hope, but unfortunately it is on the other side of pain, then rage and then hopefully to morality, then the new order can take hold. Personally, I hope I live long enough to see a cost-effective solution in the 3D guillotine sector. Be well, as much as you can.