AOC and why she is kicking ass

Jason A Summers
2 min readOct 31, 2020

We are all aware of AOC’s Vanity Fair cover and the so called controversy regarding her wardrobe which states she is a hypocrite for wearing such expensive clothing. It turns out the clothes she was wearing were lent to her for the photo shoot. Everyone seems to think this is where the story ends, but they are wrong, it is part of her narrative and part of the reason for her success. It is also part of the reason she is the future of the Democratic Party. Let me explain.

When AOC first arrived to DC the establishment, including Republicans and Democrats, tried to label her this starry eyed rube who had no right to be there because after all she was nothing more than a former bartender. To their surprise AOC did not run from this label but embraced it as her own basically saying “Yes I used to be a bartender…because that is all America can offer my generation.” It was absolutely brilliant and in one narrative AOC has forced America to come to terms with the greatest grift in American history, the American Dream. And who has been peddling that grift for the past 40 years? That’s right, mama bear herself, Nancy Pelosi. And this my friends is why she is hated and why she will succeed, if she stays on track and ignores the status quo.

We have all heard the old Democratic guard rattle off the pissy whine that the youth vote does not turn out. But they have, it’s just…



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