All capitalism is in it's basic definition is power/wealth accumulation. It includes a range from baby food production to sex trafficking of children. My favorite is the old Mafia protection business where you had to pay them protection dues to protect you from them. Most die hard capitalists are hypocrites at best evil at worst. They love making money but the second you raise your prices to adjust for cost of living or decide you want money for yourself they claim you are screwing them, always the victim. Unfortunately nothing is going to change until we purge government of the boomers who brought this pox upon us. We need people who see America as it is, a shithole and are sick of it. We need to get back to the America in which wealth was the by product of creativity, ingenuity and the like. What no REAL capitalist ever mentions is how many of the companies they hold stock in would not even exist if it weren't for their need to compete by investing in innovation rather than investing in politicians like it is today.